Previous Topic: How to Change SystemEDGE from Unmanaged Mode to Managed Mode

Next Topic: Remove Unmanaged Mode Information from the Manager

Remove Unmanaged Mode Information from the SystemEDGE Configuration

The following procedure describes how to remove unmanaged mode information from SystemEDGE configuration on a particular server and to prepare the server to change to managed mode.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in the server on which you want to change the configuration mode for SystemEDGE.
  2. Create the following backup directories at a convenient location:
  3. Stop SystemEDGE, using the normal mechanism.
  4. Navigate to the 'data' directory of SystemEDGE and open the port<number> directory. The default directory is port161.

    The content of the directory is listed.

  5. Move the following file to your data.backup directory so that it no longer appears in the port<number> directory:
  6. Change to the 'config' directory of SystemEDGE.

    The content of the directory is listed.

  7. Copy the following file to your config.backup directory:
  8. Navigate to the 'config' directory, open the file in a text editor, and scroll down to the bottom of the file.
  9. Add the following line:
    manager_name <hostname of the manager>
  10. Save the file and start SystemEDGE.

    SystemEDGE creates a file in the 'data' directory.