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Next Topic: Capture RSI Images

Register the RSI Server

To enable RSI functionality across environments managed by CA Server Automation, register the RSI server and optional environment settings.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Administration, and in left Configuration panel, locate Provisioning, and click Rapid Server Imaging.
  2. In the RSI Servers panel, click the + (Add) icon, add the RSI Server, and validate that the connection status is green.
  3. (Optional) If you use virtual machines, in the RSI Registered Hypervisors panel, click + (Add) to add hypervisors.

    Note: Hypervisor credentials are validated.

  4. (Optional) If you are not using the default RSI network, in the RSI Registered Networks panel, click + (Add) to add boot and external networks.

    Note: Networks are not validated.

  5. (Optional) If you are not using the default RSI depot, in the RSI Depots panel, click + (Add) to add any additional depots for captured image storage.

CA Server Automation connects to the RSI server and enables RSI functionality across your server environments.