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Provision Storage for a VMware Resource Pool

Administrators can provision and attach new datastores to VMware hosts that have been added to VMware resource pools within Reservation Manager.

EMC CLARiiON storage and NetApp storage are both supported.

Storage can be provisioned on EMC CLARiiON storage systems, automatically attached to an ESX server, and added to a resource pool in a single operation.

The Storage Provisioning Manager for NetApp must be configured before this feature can be used.

To provision and attach storage to VMware hosts in a VMware Resource Pool

  1. As administrator in Reservation Manager, under Administer Your Reservation Manager, click Manage your resource pools.

    The list of resource pools appears.

  2. Select a VMware resource pool.

    The Resource Pool Details pane opens.

  3. Click Resource Pool Details.

    A page with a list of Datacenters opens.

  4. Select a Datacenter.

    The Datacenter is highlighted.

  5. Click the Actions drop-down and select Edit.

    The Edit Datastores page appears.

  6. Click the Actions drop-down and select Provision Datastore...
  7. Select the ESX Server, Enhanced Storage Policy from the drop-downs. Specify the amount of storage desired, and the name to attach to the datastore.
  8. Press OK

    The datastore is added to the resource pool where the storage provisioning job was started.

To track the status of storage provisioning jobs, see the next section.