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Provision CA AppLogic Applications

The Provision AppLogic Application wizard lets you provision an instance of an application template to a CA AppLogic grid.

Follow these steps:

  1. Right-click a grid in the Explore pane, and select Management, Provision AppLogic Application.

    The Provision AppLogic Application wizard, General and Configure Resources pane opens.

  2. Select the Grid Name to deploy to, the Template Name to create an instance of, and input an Application Name.

    The Constrain by Resources section populates with resource limits and default settings from the template.

  3. Set the CPU, Memory, and Bandwidth values for the application, and click Next.

    The Config Boundary pane opens displaying the boundary properties from the template.

  4. Set the value for each property and click Next.

    The Summary pane opens.

    Note: IP properties automatically populate based on grid properties.

  5. Review the details for application provisioning and click Finish.

    The Provision AppLogic Application wizard submits a request to provision the application to the selected grid with the specified resource allocations.