The SystemEDGE agent provides several default parameters to the action commands when they are invoked. These parameters are in addition to any parameters that you specify in the action string and are passed on the command line after those that you specify. The default parameters are the same as the parameters provided in the SNMP traps that are sent for the Process Monitor table.
The following list describes the default parameters for Process Monitor table actions:
Note: You can prevent the agent from including these action parameters in the command by setting the 0x00000020 flag in the table entry.
Defines the type of trap being sent, which will be one of the following:
Defines the index assigned to the table entry.
Defines the table entry description.
Defines the process attribute being monitored by the entry.
Defines the current value obtained for the table entry.
Defines the operator being used by the table entry.
Defines the comparison value or threshold applied by the table entry.
Defines flags that are associated with the table entry.
Defines the regular expression that the agent uses to find the process ID of the process to monitor.
Defines the process ID (PID) of the current process being monitored. If you are monitoring a Windows service (through the watch ntservice directive or by setting flag 0x8000), this column represents the index in the NT Service MIB table that this process or service monitoring entry has acquired.
Defines the object class of the monitored MIB object for use with the object state management model. The agent uses the sysedge.oid file to assign a default value. A class name can be used to specify a monitored object table. If SystemEDGE does not determine an existing table with the specified name, SystemEDGE creates a class. The class specifies the monitoring object identifier (SNMP OID) and can be referenced for aggregation purposes.
Important! The newly created reference is valid only if the monitoring entry resolves to an existing SNMP OID.
Defines the object instance of the monitored MIB object for use with the object state management model. If a value is not configured and the agent cannot determine a default, the value is 'unknown'. The default for a nontabular object is 'null'. For seamless monitoring of remote objects, instance names start with a prefix //hostname/.
For local objects, the agent adds the prefix //./ to each instance name (including 'null'). This attribute cannot be set to an empty string or to '*'. Any such requests are ignored. If the instance name cannot be matched at the time of parsing to a corresponding instance, SystemEDGE creates a reference to this monitoring entry's OID with the specified instance name.
Important! The newly created reference is valid only if the monitoring entry resolves to an existing SNMP OID.
Defines the object instance of the monitored MIB object for use with the object state management model. The agent uses the sysedge.oid file to assign a default value for objects that corresponds to the MIB attribute name. If the attribute name is not known during parsing of the monitoring entry, SystemEDGE creates an attribute with the specified name.
Permissions: Read-write
Default: ASCII MIB attribute name of the monitored OID
Important! The newly created reference is valid only if the monitoring entry resolves to an existing SNMP OID.
Defines the current state of the table entry.
For more information about traps sent by the SystemEDGE agent, see the chapter "Concepts" and the appendix “Private Enterprise Traps.”
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