- Restore custom settings for core components.
The following core components are backed up and renamed during upgrade to product root\component-old:
- Apache HTTP Server
- Apache ActiveMQ
- Apache Tomcat
If you made custom settings for these services, manually apply them using the backup files.
Note: SSRM Announcements and Images are automatically carried forward during the upgrade.
- Set chargeback rates for AppLogic reservations, if applicable. For more information about configuring chargebacks, see the Administration Guide.
- Any existing SSRM reservation templates for IBM PowerVMs must be edited. Increase the maximum number for virtual adapters from 4 to 9.
- Run updates for the following managed systems and servers (if applicable):
- Solaris
Based on your environment, run the appropriate command:
- Navigate to the DVD2\Installers\Solaris_sparc\JumpStart directory and run ca-jumpstart-adapter.Solaris.
- Navigate to the DVD2\Installers\Solaris_x86\JumpStart directory and run ca-jumpstart-adapter.SolarisIntel.
- AIX:
1. Navigate to the DVD2\Installers\AIX_aix\NIM directory and run ca-nim-adapter.AIX.
- (Optional) Upgrade SystemEDGE using the installation wizard.
For detailed upgrade information, see the SystemEDGE User Guide.
- Manually delete the RSI Validate Server Access connector from CA Process Automation after you upgrade CA Server Automation to Release 12.7.1, if you integrate CA Process Automation with CA Server Automation, using the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Custom Operators, CA Server Automation, RSI folder in the CA Process Automation user interface.
2. Right-click the RSI Validate Server Access operator and select Delete.
3. Right-click the Recycle Bin and select Purge All. The connector is removed.