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Configure Data Collection for a Data Center

You can configure data collection at the Data Center level. The Data Center level policy takes effect immediately.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Resources, and select the Data Center folder in the Explore pane.
  2. Right-click, and select Policy, Configure Collection Settings.

    The Settings dialog appears.

  3. Complete the following fields in the Collection Setting section:
    Data recording interval (seconds)

    Defines how often the data is collected and stored in the Performance DB.

    Default: 3600 seconds

    Polled data retention (days)

    Defines how long to store the polled data in the Performance DB. Consider the number of managed systems, services, and metrics collected when defining this number. The stored polled data objects accumulate over time and can impact performance. If performance issues arise, decrease the number of retention days.

    Default: 10 days

    Daily roll-up data retention (days)

    Specifies how long to store the average of the daily data in the Performance DB.

    Maximum: 365

    Default: 365

  4. Enter the threshold limits in the Thresholds section and then click Save.

    Your settings are saved.