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Manage Windows Service

The Manage Windows Service action type controls Windows services using the AutoShell command line and scripting environment.

The Details section of the action definition contains the following fields:

Operation Options

Specifies the operation performed with the service.

Note: The Windows service status that the query service operation returns can be obtained only from the %STDOUT% parameter; it is not available from the Events table. This parameter is only valid for actions running in an action sequence.

Note: The following behavior differs from service management performed directly in Windows:

Host Name

Defines the name of the computer on which the service is running.

User Name

Defines the user name.


Defines the password. Reenter the password for confirmation.

Service Name

Defines the name of the service for which the operation is performed. Type the name or use a text extracted from event messages.

Note: Check the Service name in the Properties dialog of the service in Windows. Do not confuse it with its Display name visible in the Computer Management window.

If you select Change Service Startup Type, complete the following field:

Startup Type

Specifies the startup type that is set for the service. The options include Automatic, Manual, Disabled. The Boot option means that a device driver is loaded by the boot loader. The System option means that a device driver is started during kernel initialization.

If you select Change Service Dependencies, complete the following field:


Defines the dependencies (other services, system drivers, or load order groups) that must be running before the service can be started. If you define multiple dependencies, separate them by a forward slash.

If you select Change Service Account, complete the following field:

Local System Account / This Account

Specifies the account under which the service logs in. You can use the LocalSystem account or define an account here.