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Manage Central Service Profiles

You can manage central service profiles from the Resources page. For access, select Cisco UCS Server in the Explore pane, and click Central Service Profiles in the right-hand pane.

To import service profiles from UCS Managers

  1. Click the white triangle (Import) icon.
  2. Use the Import Service Profiles dialog to select UCS Managers. Click Refresh to populate the Service Profiles list and select Import All Service Profiles, or select one or more from the list. To remove imported profiles from their UCS managers after import, select Delete Source Service Profiles.
  3. Click OK.

    The selected service profiles are imported into the Management Database.

To create or update a central service profile in the Management Database

  1. Click the + (Create) icon, or select a central service profile and click the tool (Edit) icon.
  2. Use the wizard pages to create or update the central service profile.

    Note: You cannot specify pools and policies when you create a service profile in the Management Database; this information is for reference only. You can specify this information after you export the central service profile to the UCS Manager.

  3. When the service profile is created or updated, click Finish.

To export service profiles to a UCS Manager

  1. Select one or more central service profiles
  2. Click the blue triangle (Export) icon.

    The Export Service Profiles dialog appears.

  3. On the Available UCS Managers list, select one UCS Manager and click a right arrow to transfer to the Selected UCS Managers list. Click the double right arrows to transfer all.
  4. Click OK.

    Note: Pools and policies are not exported; they must already reside on the target UCS Manager.

To delete service profiles from the Management Database

  1. Select the service profiles to delete.
  2. Click the - (Delete) icon.