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Log Monitor Table Columns

The following list describes the columns of the Log Monitor table. For more information about the Log Monitor table, see the Systems Management Empire MIB empire.asn1 in the mib subdirectory of the agent installation.


Defines the unique row index for this entry (1 to MAXINT). Rows 1 through 10 are reserved for the agent's internal use; the index for additional rows must fall in the range of 11 to MAXINT.

Permissions: Read-only


Defines the complete path and file name of the log file pr directory to be monitored. This value can be a wildcard expression, and it is evaluated by the agent on each scan to identify the most recently updated log file.

Permissions: Read-write


Defines the regular expression to search for when scanning the log files for matches. SystemEDGE supports regular expressions of up to 512 characters.

Permissions: Read-write


Defines the number of times that the agent sent a trap (logMonMatchTrap) because a string matching the regular expression was logged to the file.

Permissions: Read-only


Defines the time (based on sysUpTime) at which the agent last sent a trap (logMonMatchTrap) for this entry.

Permissions: Read-only


Defines the last log file entry that matched the regular expression. This variable is updated each time a match occurs.

Permissions: Read-write


Defines the row status, which can be one of the following:

Typically, a row is either active or notInService. These values are identical in meaning to those defined by the SNMPv2 SMI RowStatus textual convention.

Permissions: Read-write

Default: createAndWait(5)


Defines the current size in bytes of the file being monitored or the current size in kilobytes of the directory being monitored.

Permissions: Read-only


Defines the time that the file or directory was last updated.

Permissions: Read-only


Defines a description (0 to 512 characters in length) of the file or directory being monitored.

Permissions: Read-write


Defines a quoted command (0 to 2048 characters in length) with any parameters to run when the regular expression is matched and the agent sends a trap. If the string is empty, the agent invokes no action for this entry.

Note: Do not use Windows batch files for actions; they impose severe programmatic limitations and often do not work correctly with desktop applications. Instead, use a more powerful and flexible scripting language, such as Perl or Visual Basic.

Permissions: Read-write


Defines the positive integer flags that indicate additional behavioral semantics that the entry follows during the course of its operation. For more information about available flags and setting flags, see Log Monitor Table Flags.

Permissions: Read-write


Defines the number of logfile entries matching the regular expression. This value increments regardless of whether traps are sent for this entry or not. Polling this variable lets you determine the rate or number of matches over time.

Permissions: Read-only


Defines the best-effort interval, in minutes, between successive scans of the log file or directory.

Permissions: Read-write


Defines the actual file or directory name being monitored, in case the logMonitorLogFile attribute contains wildcard characters.

Permissions: Read-only


Defines the number of files and subdirectories in a monitored directory. When monitoring a log file, this value is either 1 or 0 depending on the existence of the file.

Permissions: Read-only


Defines the severity to assign to the entry when a trap is sent. Valid values are as follows:

Default: none