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Log File Monitoring Overview

The SystemEDGE agent lets you monitor UTF-8 encoded text files continuously for the appearance of user-specified regular expressions. Log file monitoring provides a flexible solution for monitoring applications by monitoring the messages that the applications log. This feature is also useful for security management; for example, you can configure the agent to monitor system log files for messages to notify you of possible security violations. You use the Log Monitor table to specify the file to monitor, regular expression to match, interval, action, severity, and other values. The agent automatically monitors the defined log file and sends a trap to the management system when it detects a regular expression match.

The log file specification may be a wildcard expression, which causes the agent to monitor the single, most recently updated log file matching this expression.

When the agent starts (or after rows have been added to the Log Monitor table), it evaluates the log file expression, identifying the most recently updated log file for its current length and last access time. Thereafter, the agent periodically stats each log file that matches the log file expression for additions or modifications since the last status check. This behavior allows a single monitor entry to follow log files that change names (with perhaps date or revision information) without having to manually modify the given entry.

If the monitored log file has changed, the agent scans only the changes--not the entire log file--to see if there is a match for the specified regular expression. If the agent finds a match, you can configure it to send the enterprise-specific logMonMatch SNMP trap and run the specified action for the row, as long as the action field is not null.