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Storage VSC Get Object Reference

Get vCenter managed object reference for a specific object name and type using https://netapp_host:port/kamino/public/api



NetApp VSC Server

Specifies the Server name or IP address where Virtual Storage Console is installed.

Example: vschost123

VSC Port

Specifies the port number for Virtual Storage Console Service. Default is 8143

Example: 8143

Object Name

Specifies the vCenter object name.

Example: host1234

vCenter Object Type

Specifies the vCenter object type. Specify ‘Datacenter’, ‘Datastore’, ‘Folder’, ‘Virtual Machine’, ‘Resource Pool’, ‘Host System’.

Example: Datastore

vCenter Host Name

Specifies the host name where vCenter is installed.

Example: vcenterhost123

vCenter Port

Specifies the port number for vCenter. Default is 443.

Example: 443
vCenter Username

Specifies the username to access vCenter.

Example: user444
vCenter Username’s Password

Specifies the password for vCenter username.

Example: password444