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Storage Update Dataset



Dataset Name

Specifies the dataset name to update.

Example: mydataset23

Update Mode

Specifies 'Attach' to attach Dataset to a Storage Service. Specify 'Detach' to detach a Dataset from a Storage Service.

Example: Attach

Storage Service

Specifies the name of storage Service.

Example: stgService45

Dryrun Mode

Specifies the 'None' provision without dry run. 'Only', dry run only. 'Both', provision with dry run.

Example: None

Node Name

Specifies the name of the node in the data protection policy.

Example: node789

Old Node Name

Specifies the name of the old data protection policy node to be mapped to the new data protection policy node

Example: node987

Storage Server Name

Specifies the name of the storage server


Storage Server Username

Specifies the name of user on Storage Server.

Example: ca_user

Storage Server Password

Specifies the storage server user’s password.

Example: ca_password

Storage Server Protocol

Specifies the protocol to access Storage Server. HTTP or HTTPS. Default is ‘HTTP’

Example: HTTP

Storage Server Port

Specifies the storage Server port number. Default is 8088.

Example: 8088

Storage Server Timeout

Specifies the timeout in seconds to wait for a response from Storage Server. Default is 600

Example: 600