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Storage vFiler Resync

Resyncs the vFiler.

Note: Set up the Disaster Recovery vFiler before running this command.



Source Filer

Specifies the original storage host containing vFiler and LUN.

Example: “sourcefiler01”

Destination Filer

Specifies a storage host for vFiler and LUN.

Example: “destfiler”

vFiler Name

Specifies the name of the vFiler.

Example: “somevfiler”

vFiler VLAN

Specifies the virtual LAN ID of the vFiler.

Example: “e0b”

Remote Filer User

Specifies a user name to log in to the remote storage host.

Example: “someuser”

Remote Filer Password

Specifies the password for the user name.

Example: “password01”


Indicates whether to perform a synchronous Snapmirror transfer (Snapmirror must be licensed). Available values are "true" or "false".

Default: “false”

NetApp Server Name

(Optional) Specifies the name of the NetApp DataFabric Manager.

Example: “”

NetApp Server Username

(Optional) Specifies the name of the user authorized to connect to the NetApp DataFabric Manager.

Example: “user01”

NetApp Server User Password

(Optional) Specifies the password for the user authorized to connect to the NetApp DataFabric Manager.

Example: “password01”

NetApp Server Port

(Optional) Specifies the port number the NetApp DataFabric Manager uses.

Example: “8088”

NetApp Server Protocol

(Optional) Specifies the protocol used to access the NetApp DataFabric Manager. Available values are:

0 – HTTP


Default: “0”

Storage Platform Type

Specifies the storage platform type. The only possible value is “1” (NetApp).

Default: “1”