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Interprocess Communication Group

You can track the Interprocess Communication (IPC) mechanisms that is used on a system by retrieving one of the following tables from the IPC group:

Message Queue table

Provides information about system message queues currently in use.

Class: msgqueEntry

Instance: value of queID attribute for the specific message queue

Shared Memory table

Provides information about system shared memory segments currently in use.

Class: shmemEntry

Instance: value of shmemID attribute for the specific shared memory segment.

Semaphore table

Provides information about system semaphores currently in use. A semaphore is a value in operating system or kernel storage that a process can check and change to coordinate activities in which multiple processes compete for the same operating system resources.

Class: semEntry

Instance: value of semID attribute for the specific semaphore

A row in each of these tables represents one instance of IPC usage. The columns differ for each table.