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Install the Agent on Windows from the Command Line

You can install the SystemEDGE Windows package using a command line version of the installer. When installing from the command line, you use parameters to set various installation properties. You can do the following from the command line:

This procedure covers the second scenario: running an unattended installation from the command line.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Windows system as an Administrator.

    Note: For systems running Windows Vista and later, you can install as a non-administrator, and the operating system prompts you to authorize the installation with Administrator credentials.

  2. Open a command prompt, navigate to the DVD1\Installers\Windows\Agent\SysMan\CA_SystemEDGE_Core folder, and enter the following required parameters (do not run the command until you complete Step 3):

    Note: For help with installation parameters, enter ca-setup -? at the command prompt.


    Specifies the installation mode. Set this parameter to UNATTENDED to run the installation in silent mode. If you omit this parameter, the installation wizard opens with specified parameter values prefilled after you run the command.


    Read the license agreement and specify whether to accept the license agreement. If you omit this parameter or set it to anything other than YES when you set the installation mode to UNATTENDED, the installation fails. This parameter is not required in an interactive installation.

  3. Add optional parameters as appropriate and run the command.

    Note: The following optional parameters do not require a value if you omit them:


    Specifies a location and file name in which to log installation messages.


    Turns on verbose installation mode when set to "yes". Verbose mode logs more information to the installation log file.


    Specifies the SystemEDGE installation directory. This directory contains everything SystemEDGE-related, such as AIMs and Advanced Encryption, and is never modified after being set by the Core installer.

    Note: If you define a non-default installation directory, the installer installs agent files directly to the specified directory without creating a SystemEDGE subfolder.

    Default: C:\Program Files\CA\SystemEDGE


    Specifies the SystemEDGE data directory, where all configurations take place and dynamic data is stored (referred to in this document as the variable CASYSEDGE_DATA). The configuration files of the agent are located in a port-specific subdirectory which is based on the SNMP_PORT parameter value.

    Defaults: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CA\SystemEDGE (Windows XP and 2003), C:\Users\Public\CA\SystemEDGE (Windows Vista and 2008)


    Specifies the port used by SystemEDGE. This value can also be inherited from the native SNMP agent using the CASE_DEFAULT_FROM_NATIVE_SNMP parameter. If you specify a port using the CASE_SNMP_PORT parameter, it overrides the inherited value. This port must be unique, or the installation fails. If the default port of 161 is already in use by the native SNMP agent (and you do not plan on disabling this agent), you must specify a different unique port, for example, 1691 or 6665.

    Default: 161


    Specifies information about the system (such as a system name) that populates the sysDescr MIB-II object. This value can also be inherited from the native SNMP agent using the CASE_DEFAULT_FROM_NATIVE_SNMP parameter. If you specify a description using the CASE_SNMP_SYS_DESC parameter, it overrides the inherited value.


    Specifies the system location that populates the sysLocation MIB-II object. This value can also be inherited from the native SNMP agent using the CASE_DEFAULT_FROM_NATIVE_SNMP parameter. If you specify a location using the CASE_SNMP_SYS_LOC parameter, it overrides the inherited value.


    Specifies system contact information that populates the sysContact MIB-II object. This value can also be inherited from the native SNMP agent using the CASE_DEFAULT_FROM_NATIVE_SNMP parameter. If you specify a contact using the CASE_SNMP_SYS_CONTACT parameter, it overrides the inherited value.


    Specifies the name of the SNMP read community that can send GET requests to the agent. You can specify multiple communities by separating them with a semicolon (for example, public1;public2), and you can include a space delimited IP address list for each community to restrict access (for example, public This value can also be inherited from the native SNMP agent using the CASE_DEFAULT_FROM_NATIVE_SNMP parameter. If you specify a read community using the CASE_SNMP_READ_COMMUNITY parameter, it overrides the inherited value.

    Default: snmp_public (valid for a new installation only (no upgrade) and if no read-write community is specified)


    Specifies the space-separated list of IP addresses/hostnames of SNMP managers allowed to query the agent with SNMP_READ_COMMUNITY. When this is specified, SNMP_READ_COMMUNITY must only contain a single word, the SNMP community.


    Specifies the name of the SNMP write community that can send GET and SET requests to the agent. You can specify multiple communities by separating them with a semicolon (for example, rwcomm1;rwcomm2), and you can include a space delimited IP address list for each community to restrict access (for example, rwcomm1 This value can also be inherited from the native SNMP agent using the CASE_DEFAULT_FROM_NATIVE_SNMP parameter. If you specify a write community using the CASE_SNMP_WRITE_COMMUNITY parameter, it overrides the inherited value.


    Specifies the space-separated list of IP addresses/hostnames of SNMP managers allowed to query the agent with SNMP_WRITE_COMMUNITY. When this is specified, SNMP_WRITE_COMMUNITY must only contain a single word, the SNMP community.


    Specifies the SNMP trap community and the trap destination address. You can specify multiple trap community settings by separating them with a semicolon (;). The value for this parameter can also be inherited from the native SNMP agent using the CASE_DEFAULT_FROM_NATIVE_SNMP parameter. If you specify a trap community using the CASE_SNMP_TRAP_COMMUNITY parameter, it overrides the inherited value. The following values are required for this parameter:

    • Community name
    • Destination address to which to send traps

    The following values are optional for this parameter:

    • Port number to which to send traps
    • Trap source encoding options
    • Trap source host name

    Syntax of a trap community setting:

    community-string {ip-address|hostname} [port [encoding [source]]]


    public;public 1162;trapcom 1162 100


    Specifies the hostname or IP address to which to send traps. When this is specified, SNMP_TRAP_COMMUNITY must only contain a single word, the SNMP community and SNMP_TRAP_PORT must also be specified.


    Specifies the destination port number to which to send traps. When this is specified, SNMP_TRAP_COMMUNITY must only contain a single word, the SNMP community and SNMP_TRAP_DESTINATION must also be specified.


    Specifies whether to stop and disable the native SNMP agent.

    Default: no


    Specifies whether to use the default SNMP settings from the native SNMP agent.

    Default: no


    Specifies the host name of the configuration manager from which you want to manage this agent. Entering a value for this parameter lets you configure this agent from the specified manager. Entering an asterisk (*) accepts the first manager that discovers the agent system. This manager will have full control over the agent’s configuration. By default, no manager host is entered (used), and the agent runs in unmanaged mode.


    Specifies the name of the configuration manager policy file that the agent should use. Entering a value for this parameter sets the SystemEDGE configuration according to an existing configuration file from the manager. By default, the agent uses the installed policy file.


    Specifies whether to start the agent automatically after the installation completes.

    Default: yes


    Specifies whether to install the SystemEDGE documentation with the agent.

    Default: yes


    Specifies whether to install the agent in legacy mode, which installs the base agent only while omitting all materials that facilitate usage with CA Server Automation. Install using legacy mode if you do not want to use the agent with CA Server Automation.

    You can turn the agent into managed mode by reinstalling or upgrading and specifying CASE_LEGACY_MODE=no.

    Default: no

    Enter the command and all required parameters and values in the command line. Press Enter to start the installation. The installer detects the hardware architecture of the operating system and runs the appropriate version of the installer.

    Note: If you do not accept the installation agreement, the installation fails.

To verify the installation, confirm the existence of the CA SystemEDGE service in the Windows Services dialog, the SystemEDGE files in the installation directory, or the presence of CA SystemEDGE Core in the Add or Remove Programs dialog. You can also check the installation log file if you specified one to confirm a successful installation.

Note: The SystemEDGE installer automatically installs "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package" if you are installing on a system running Windows Vista or later. SystemEDGE will not function without this package installed. To install "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package" you must accept the license agreement that is displayed. The license agreement for "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package" is suppressed in the interactive version of the SystemEDGE installer.