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Install NIM Adapter on AIX NIM Server

You can install the NIM adapter using a graphical interface or a command-line text console.

Follow these steps:

  1. Insert the installation media into the computer, navigate to the DVD2\Installers\AIX_aix\NIM directory and copy ca-nim-adapter.AIX to the AIX NIM server.
  2. Enter the following command on the AIX NIM server:

    If X-windows and DISPLAY are configured on the computer where the AIX UNIX terminal is open, a graphical interface installer is launched. Otherwise, a command-line interface installer is launched.

  3. Press Next.

    The License Agreement appears.

  4. Read the License Agreement and select I agree.

    The Installation directory option appears.

  5. Specify the directory where you want to install, and click Next.
  6. Review the installation path, and click Install Product.

    Installation completes, and a summary page appears.

  7. Click OK to exit the installer.