Administration Guide › Configuring Resources › Solaris JumpStart Provisioning › JumpStart Adapter Installation › Install Imaging on a JumpStart Server Using the Text Terminal Console
Install Imaging on a JumpStart Server Using the Text Terminal Console
You can install the adapter interactively using the text terminal console.
To install the adaptor using the text terminal console
- Insert the installation media into the computer, navigate to the DVD2\Installers\Solaris_sparc\JumpStart or DVD2\Installers\Solaris_x86\JumpStart directory, and copy ca-jumpstart-adapter.Solaris or ca-jumpstart-adapter.SolarisIntel, respectively, to the JumpStart server. If you use an ftp client, copy the file in binary format, and also set execute permissions on the file.
- Enter the following command on the JumpStart server:
ca-jumpstart-adapter.Solaris or ca-jumpstart-adapter.SolarisIntel
The console appears and prepares for installation.
- Press Enter.
The License Agreement appears.
- Scroll to the bottom of the License Agreement.
- Tab to "I Agree", and press Enter.
The installation folder option appears.
- If the default location is acceptable, tab to Next. If not, specify the installation location, tab to Next, and press Enter.
- To accept the selections and start the installation, tab to "Install Product". To visit a previous screen, tab to Previous. To cancel the installation, tab to Cancel and press Enter.
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