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Install Imaging on a JumpStart Server Using the Text Terminal Console

You can install the adapter interactively using the text terminal console.

To install the adaptor using the text terminal console

  1. Insert the installation media into the computer, navigate to the DVD2\Installers\Solaris_sparc\JumpStart or DVD2\Installers\Solaris_x86\JumpStart directory, and copy ca-jumpstart-adapter.Solaris or ca-jumpstart-adapter.SolarisIntel, respectively, to the JumpStart server. If you use an ftp client, copy the file in binary format, and also set execute permissions on the file.
  2. Enter the following command on the JumpStart server:
    ca-jumpstart-adapter.Solaris or ca-jumpstart-adapter.SolarisIntel

    The console appears and prepares for installation.

  3. Press Enter.

    The License Agreement appears.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the License Agreement.
  5. Tab to "I Agree", and press Enter.

    The installation folder option appears.

  6. If the default location is acceptable, tab to Next. If not, specify the installation location, tab to Next, and press Enter.
  7. To accept the selections and start the installation, tab to "Install Product". To visit a previous screen, tab to Previous. To cancel the installation, tab to Cancel and press Enter.