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Make Hyper-V Virtual Machines Available to Users

Use the following process to make Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines available for reservations:

  1. Identify the virtual resource pool to which the VMs will be added when they are created.
  2. Define the VM templates that a user can use to create VMs.
  3. Set up access policy for both the resource pools and VM templates.

Note: The following procedure for VMware virtual machines also applies to Hyper-V VMs. Other VMware procedures are similar.

Specify a Prefix for Virtual Machine Names

The following sections describe how to set up the Reservation Manager to support Hyper-V reservations.

Enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine Reservation

From the Reservation Manager, an administrator enables a user to reserve Hyper-V systems by setting up a resource pool and template.

Make Amazon Machine Images Available from EC2