Previous Topic: How to Monitor User-specific Metrics (MIB Extensions)

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How to Monitor a Specific Windows Performance Registry Metric

This step-by-step example describes how to monitor a user-specific metric. The names used in Windows Performace object and counter must match names in perfmon.exe

How to monitor user-specific metrics (MIB extensions):

  1. Create a MIB extension for a Windows Performance Registry metric.
    1. From the user interface, click the Resources tab, open Configuration pane, expand the Policy tree, and click an appropriate subcategory.

      The policy details appear in the right pane.

    2. Click the MIB Extensions tab.

      The MIB Extensions pane opens.

    3. Click Windows Performance.

      The Windows Performance Defined Extensions pane appears.

    4. In the Add the following data into the fields:

      Index: 1 (If the extension is the first one).

      Type: integer

      Object: System

      Counter: Processes (Provides the total number of running processes).

      The System metrics have no ‘instance’ so this field is left blank.

      Note: You can specify custom entries for Object and Counter while creating a policy. The same metrics are saved for future use while creating another policy.

    5. Click Add.

      The MIB Extension is added to the Policy.

    6. Click Save Policy.

      The policy is saved.

  2. Create a threshold monitor to check the value of the new monitor.
    1. Click Monitors and then Thresholds.

      The Threshold Monitor Details Edit pane appears.

    2. Click + (New) to create a monitor.

      The Threshold Monitor Details: New dialog appears.

    3. Configure the following threshold settings:

      Defines the table index that you want to use.


      Specifies the platform.


      Defines an optional description.

      Object Class

      Specifies the object class to monitor. The values refer to the available MIB tables.

      Object Class Name

      Defines the object class name to use for the object state model. Value is an arbitrary string, for example, FileSystems.

      Object Attribute

      Specifies the object attribute to monitor. The values refer to the available attributes of the table; selected as Object Class. The attribute (for example, devCapacity = specifies the initial part of the MIB object (OID) to monitor with this threshold monitor.

      Object Attribute Name

      Defines the object attribute name to use for the object state model as an arbitrary string, for example, PercentUsed.

      Object Instance

      Specifies the object instance to monitor. This value, for example, .3 to monitor the third row in the device table (devTable) specifies the index part of the MIB object (OID) to monitor with this threshold monitor. For some object classes, the name of the instance itself can be given (for example, C: instead of .3, or /var for a Unix machine).

      Object Instance Name

      Defines the object instance name to use for the object state model. Value is an arbitrary string, for example, SysVol_C.


      Defines the evaluation interval for the monitor in a multiple of 30 seconds.

      The Threshold Configuration page lets you define the following settings:


      Specifies the severity to use for the object state model.


      Specifies the operator to use.


      Defines the value to use.

      Sample Type

      Specifies the sample type to use.

      The Maintenance Window page lets you define the following settings:


      Specifies if the monitor maintenance entry is active or inactive.

      Start Time

      Defines the start time when the monitor is switched off and the maintenance window begins.

      Stop Time

      Defines the stop time when the monitor is switched on again and the maintenance window ends.

      The Optional Settings subtab lets you define the flags that can be used for the different monitor entries or history control entries.

    4. Click Save.

      The monitor is added to the policy.

  3. Click Action and then Apply, to apply the policy to a computer.

    The Selected Machines pane appears.

    1. Verify that the selected machines are correct and click Apply.

      The policy with the MIB extension is applied to the selected computers.

    2. Click Return to Policy.

      The policy details pane appears.

Once the agent is configured, you can view the state of this threshold monitor from the Resources tab under Explore, Summary.