Previous Topic: Fault Tolerance Properties of Virtual Machines

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ESX Host Fault Tolerance Attributes

ESX Host Fault Tolerance attributes are as follows:

Fault Tolerance

Identifies whether the host has the fault tolerance enabled.

Fault Tolerance version

Identifies the version of Fault Tolerance running on the host.

Note: Only hosts with the same version of Fault Tolerance are compatible with one another.

Total Primary VMs (calculated by the AIM)

Indicates the total number of primary VMs configured to this host.

Total Secondary VMs (calculated by the AIM)

Indicates the total number of secondary VMs configured to this host.

Powered on Primary VMs (calculated by the AIM)

Indicates the total number of primary VMs running (powered on) on this host.

Powered on Secondary VMs (calculated by the AIM)

Indicates the total number of secondary VMs running (powered on) on this host.