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Enhanced Discovery and SNMP Information

You can specify the credentials and SNMP information to discover a system or network.

To discover using enhanced information

  1. Select Resources, Manage, Discover Network or Discover System.

    The Specify Discovery Type and Target section appears.

    After you enter the required details in the Discovery Type and Discovery Method section, click Next. The Enhanced Discovery and SNMP Information section appears.

  2. Complete the following fields for the Enhanced Discovery section:
    Enhanced Discovery

    Select this option to specify enhanced credentials for discovery.

    Discovery Credentials

    Select one of the options to specify credentials.

    Specify Credentials

    Select this option to specify the credentials such as User Name and Password.

    Select Saved Credentials

    Select the existing saved credentials from the Available list.

  3. Complete the following fields for the SNMP Information section, then click Next:
    Override SNMP Defaults

    Select this option to override the SNMP defaults for discovery.

    SNMP Settings

    Select one of the options to specify credentials.

    Specify Credentials

    Select this option to specify the credentials such as SNMP Version and Community String.

    Select Saved Credentials

    Select the existing saved credentials from the Available list.

  4. Click Finish

    A success message appears when the system or network is discovered. Discovered servers are automatically managed, but servers in a subnet discovery are not managed.

More information:

Manage Unmanaged Resources

Discover a System