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emphistory Directive--Add Entries to History Control Table

The emphistory directive lets you add entries to the History Control table. You use this directive and its arguments, which represent columns in the History Control table, in the file to define MIB objects to collect for history sampling.

Use the emphistory directory in the file to add entries in the History Control table as follows:

emphistory index interval objid buckets 'description' flags

Specifies the row number in which the agent will create the entry.


Specifies the interval (in seconds) at which the agent will sample the object's value. The interval must be a multiple of 30 seconds.


Specifies the object instance within the agent's MIB whose value should be sampled. You can specify the OID using the complete dotted-decimal value (for example, or the symbolic MIB name (for example, hrSystemNumUsers.0). In both cases, you must specify the object instance, which is typically zero for non-tabular MIB variables.


Specifies the number of buckets, or samples, that the agent will store internally. The agent stores the last buckets number of samples. As the agent takes each new sample, it deletes the oldest sample.


Specifies a quoted string (0 to 128 characters in length) that indicates the description field for this entry.


Represents a bit field. Setting one or more bits changes the behavior of this entry.

000 000 80 - Entry is created by an AIM plugin (Read-only)

000 001 00 - Collects performance cube data


Represents a bit field. Setting one or more bits changes the behavior of this entry.

000 000 80 - Entry is created by an AIM plugin (Read-only)

000 001 00 - Collects performance cube data