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dpmutil ec2-owner Command--Configure EC2 Owner

The dpmutil set|get EC2 owner command configures CA Server Automation with the EC2 account information that you receive from Amazon after creating your Amazon account. You must have a CA Server Automation administrator role to use this command.

This command has the following format:

dpmutil {-set|-get|-delete} -ec2-owner [-locale iso639value]

Configures, displays, or deletes the following Amazon EC2 account information.

AWS Account ID

Defines the Amazon Web Services (AWS) account ID.

Example: 495219933132AWS

Account Name

Defines an alias name to the account ID.

Example: Account of Finance Department


Description of the account.

Example: Account used by all full-time employee

Type Y (case sensitive) to set as default EC2 server, otherwise press enter:

Defines the current account as the default.

EC2 Server URL (default)

Defines the URL for the default and other AWS servers.


EC2 region(s) configured for this account

Lists the EC2 regions that you have configured.

x.509 Certificate File (full path)

Defines the path to the Amazon X.509 certificate on the CA Server Automation service controller.

Example: C:\my_ec2_account\cert-U75832H20496JNR3932AER5.pem

EC2 Private Key File (full path)

Defines the path to the Amazon private key on the CA Server Automation service controller.

Example: C:\my_ec2_account\pk-U75832H20496JNR3932AER5.pem

EC2 image list type

Defines whether CA Server Automation displays only private AMIs, or both private and public. The default is private. Valid entries: private or private + public.

Note: Specifying private + public affects product performance because of the volume of AMIs; private is the recommended value.

Example: private

EC2 synchronization frequency in seconds

Defines the frequency in seconds to synchronize records between CA Server Automation and Amazon. The default is 1800 seconds.

Note: Synchronizing records affects product performance; decreasing this value is not recommended.

Example: 1800


Lists the configuration information for the EC2 owner.


Deletes the configuration information for the EC2 owner.

-locale iso639value

(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".