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dpmrsi provision_vm Command--Provision Empty VM Instance

The dpmrsi provision_vm command provisions a new instance of a virtual machine with the specified resources and RSI image.

This command has the following format:

dpmrsi provision_vm
[-sc sc_url]
-vm_config vCenterconfiguration
-vm_disk VMdiskconfiguration
-vm_nic VMnicconfiguration
-name imagename
[-desc imagedescription]
[-scale yes|no]
[-depot depotname]
[-profile profilelocation]
[-profile_hostname hostname]
[-profile_driverset driverset]
[-profile_addressX staticnetworkaddress]
[-profile_dhcpX yes|no]
[-profile_interfaceidX interfaceID]
[-profile_netmaskX netmask]
[-boot_network bootnetwork]
-ostype OStype
-img_host RSIserver
-dc_user RSIapplicationuser -dc_password RSIapplicationpassword
[-ws_user username -ws_password password]
[-locale iso639value]
-sc sc_url

(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.

Example: https://hostname:port/...


Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.



Defines the listening port for the service controller server.

Example: 80

-vm_config vCenterconfiguration

Specifies a vCenter configuration to use for the new VMware VM instance. The configuration is a comma-separated list of the following VMware VM properties:


Specifies the registered RSI ESX hypervisor hostname where the VM resides.


Specifies the registered RSI ESX hypervisor ID where the VM resides.

Note: Specify either the esxHost or esxId. If both are specified, esxId is used.


Specifies the vCenter server where the registered RSI ESX hypervisor resides. Verify that this vCenter server is configured in CA Server Automation.


Specifies the VMware datacenter name where the registered RSI ESX hypervisor resides.


Specifies the VMware resource pool that the VM uses.


Specifies the guest operating system identifier to use when creating the VMware VM based on the image being provisioned. The accepted values are listed in the InstallDirectory\CIM\CA_VMSettingData.xml file in the OStype property.


  • rhel4Guest for RedHat Enterprise 4.x (i686)
  • rhel5_64Guest for RedHat Enterprise 5.x (x86_64)
  • winNetEnterpriseGuest for Windows 2003 R2 SP2
  • winLonghornGuest for Windows 2008 R2 SP2

Specifies the VMware datastore name where the VMware VM files reside.


Specifies the memory (in megabytes) for the VMware VM.


Specifies the number of CPUs for the VMware VM.


-vm_disk VMdiskconfiguration

Specifies a disk configuration to use for the new VM instance. The configuration is a comma-separated list of storage properties.

Example: "datastoreName=LocalStorage2,diskSizeKB=10485760,diskMode=persistent,thinProvisioning=no"

Valid values for diskMode are persistent, independent_persistent

Important! Specify the same datastore for all disks. If you create multiple disks with different datastores, new VM provisioning fails.

-vm_nic VMnicconfiguration

Specifies a network configuration to use for the new VM instance. The configuration is a comma-separated list of network properties.

Example: "deviceType=E1000,nicName=Adapter01,networkName=VM_Network,wakeOnLanEnabled=yes"

Supported deviceType values are E1000, Vmxnet (case-sensitive).

-name imagename

Defines the name of the RSI image.

-desc imagedescription

Defines text for easy identification. Valid entries: any alphanumeric characters.

-scale yes|no

Indicates whether to resize the image to fit the available storage space. If you specify yes, the image is scaled up or down to fit the available storage on the target server. File systems and logical volumes are scaled based on the data they contain. Swap space and raw partitions are not scaled. If the image contains more data than fits on the server storage, the operation fails.

Default: yes

-depot depotname

Specifies the name of the RSI depot.

Example: mydepot

-profile profilelocation

(Optional) Specifies the location of a profile, which contains a configuration of the target system for use during image deployment. If you do not specify a profile, the system configuration where the image is captured is used. Specify a hyperlink to the profile in the format: http://..., or the UNIX path of the profile location on the RSI server.

Example: /root/profiles/ServerA_capture_win2k3

Note: If you specify the profile location without specifying -profile parameters in the command, the profile values are used. If you specify profile-related parameters in the command, the values that you specify are used instead of the values in the profile.

-profile_hostname hostname

(Optional) Defines the hostname for the target system after image deployment. Valid entries: any alphanumeric character.

-profile_driverset driverset

(Optional) Defines the driverset to apply to the target system after image deployment. Valid entries: any alphanumeric characters.

-profile_address1|2|3 ipnetworkaddress

(Optional) Defines the network interface (1, 2, or 3), and its IP address for the target system. This parameter must be provided if the value for profile_dhcp = no. Valid entries:

-profile_dhcp1|2|3 yes|no

(Optional) Defines the network interface (1, 2, or 3) for the target system, and whether it is configured for DHCP. Valid entries: yes = DHCP, no = static IP address.


(Optional) Defines the integer index of the network interface for the target system during image deployment. Valid entries: 1, 2, or 3.

-profile_netmask1|2|3 netmask

(Optional) Defines the network interface (1, 2, or 3) and the netmask. This parameter must be provided if the value for profile_dhcp = no. Valid entries: netmask in dot notation.

-boot_network networkname

Defines the name of the registered boot network on the RSI server. This parameter is required only if there is more than one network (default) registered with the RSI server. Valid entry: any alphanumeric characters.

-ostype OStype

Defines the OS configuration for the target server. Run the osspec command for a list of OS configurations for the OS types, and select the appropriate OS configuration for the target server. To list the OStypes supported by the RSI server, run the command, dpmrsi osspec -img_host RSIServer -dc_user RSIapplicationuser -dc_password RSIapplicationpassword.

Example: Microsoft_Windows-2003_*_*-*

-img_host RSIserver

Defines the name of the RSI server.

-dc_user RSIapplicationuser

Defines the RSI application user name.

-dc_password RSIapplicationpassword

Defines the password for the RSI application user.

-ws_user username -ws_password password

(Optional) Specifies the credentials to use for the web service security check. If you do not include credentials, you are prompted to enter them. Avoid the prompt for credentials by setting up your own session using caaipsecurity.

-locale iso639value

(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".

Example: Provision a Windows 2003 based image to a new vCenter virtual machine.

This example provisions the WIN2K3_OFFLINE_VM image to a new virtual machine hosted at using a Windows 2003 operating system and the specified network and storage devices.

dpmrsi.exe provision_vm
-vm_config ",, datacenter=DC, resourcepool=Resources, vmName=Temp01, guestOSId=winGuest, datastoreName=LocalStorage2, memoryMB=1024, numCPUs=1"
-vm_disk "datastoreName=LocalStorage2, diskSizeKB=10485760, diskMode=persistent, thinProvisioning=no"
-vm_nic "deviceType=E1000, nicName=Adapter01, networkName=VM_Network, wakeOnLanEnabled=yes"
-profile_hostname newVM001
-img_host srp019976
-system_type virtual
-ostype Microsoft_Windows-2003_*_*-*
-ws_user admin -ws_password admin
-dc_user admin -dc_password dynacenter