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dpmnim image Command—Deploy an IBM AIX Image Using a Resource Group

The dpmnim image command deploys an IBM AIX image from a NIM master server to a target IBM AIX server using a resource group.

This command has the following format:

dpmnim image -type res_group [-sc sc_url] [-install_type {rte|mksysb}]-res_group_name resource group name -machine_res_name machine resource name -auto_deploy {Yes|No} [-deploy_template templatename] -target_username targetusername [-target_password targetpassword] [-auth_file authorizationfile] [-auth_comp componentID] -nim_master_host_name nim master host name [-scalability_server servername] [‑wait [timeout]] [-pre] [-post][-locale iso629value]
-type {res_group|individual_res}

Specifies to use the imaging operation type resource group or individual resources.


Specifies to use the resource group for imaging.


Specifies to use individual resources for imaging.

-sc sc_url

(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.

Example: https://hostname:port/...


Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.



Defines the listening port for the service controller server.

Example: 80

-install_type {rte|mksysb}

(Optional) NIM installation type. Accepted values are rte or mksysb. rte is the default if –install_type is not specified.

-res_group_name resource group name

Defines the name of the resource group.

-machine_res_name machineresourcename

Defines the name of the machine resource. This name must be predefined at the NIM Master.

-auto_deploy {yes|no}

Specifies whether CA Server Automation agents are deployed automatically. Options include the following:


Deploys CA Server Automation agents automatically.


Prevents CA Server Automation agents from being deployed automatically.

Default: no

-deploy_template templatename

(Optional) Specifies the name of the generic template created in CA Server Automation.

Note: Do not confuse this template with the templates created and managed by VMware vCenter.

-target_username targetusername

Defines the user name used for deploying agents to the target host server to which you are deploying the image.

-target_password targetpassword

(Optional) Defines the user password used for deploying agents to the target host server to which you are deploying the image. If you do not specify the password, it is retrieved from the authorization file.

Note: Use the dpmutil CLI to set up the authorization file.

-auth_file authorizationfilename

(Optional) Specifies the full path name of the authorization file to use to retrieve the encrypted password. This file contains the CA Server Automation administrator credentials that were generated using the dpmutil set auth command. When this option is not specified, the default authorization file is used.

-auth_comp componentID

(Optional) Specifies a component ID that you can use to group hosts and users.

-nim_master_host_name nimmasterhostname

Defines the NIM master host name to perform the image deployment.

-scalability_server servername

(Optional) Specifies the CA ITCM scalability server for software distribution.

-wait timeout

(Optional) Indicates whether to display the status of the job and not return until the operation completes, fails, or the timeout period is met (if you specify a timeout value). If you do not specify this option, the CLI returns without waiting for completion. If there is no response, the optional timeout value defines the timeout period in minutes. If you enter the wait option with no timeout value, the CLI uses the default wait time from the caimgconf.cfg file or defaults to 120 minutes. In addition to any positive integer, the following timeout values are also possible:


No timeout value.


Wait indefinitely.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.

-locale iso639value

(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".

Example: Deploy an IBM AIX Image Using a Resource Group

This example deploys an IBM AIX image from a NIM master server to an IBM AIX server using a resource group.

dpmim image -type res_group -res_group_name basic_res_group -machine_res_name development_1 -auto_deploy yes -target_username root -target_password testpw -nim_master_host_name main_master

Example: Deploy an IBM AIX Image by specifying a Resource Group that contains a MKSYSB resource

This example deploys an IBM AIX image from a NIM Master server using MKSYSB installation using a resource group to an IBM AIX Server.

dpmim image -type res_group -install_type mksysb -res_group_name mksysb_res_group -machine_res_name development_1 -auto_deploy yes -target_username root -target_password testpw -nim_master_host_name main_master

Example: Deploy an IBM AIX Image to an Server using RTE installation by specifying a Resource Group

This example deploys an IBM AIX image from a NIM Master server using RTE installation using a resource group to an IBM AIX Server.

dpmim image -type res_group -install_type rte -res_group_name basic_res_group -machine_res_name development_1 -auto_deploy yes -target_username root -target_password testpw -nim_master_host_name main_master