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dpmlpar list Command--List HMC Resources

The dpmlpar list command lists information from the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM).

This command has the following format:

dpmlpar list [-sc sc_url] 
-hmc name 
[-managed_system managedsystemname]
[-partition_name partitionname] 
-display {managed_systems | managed_system_details | partitions | io_components | backing_devices | scsi_adapters | partition_details | profiles | wwpns} 
[-pre] [-post]
[-ws_user username]
[-ws_password password]
[-prompt <no|yes>]
[-ws_remote_user username]
[-ws_remote_password password]
[-locale iso639value]
-sc sc_url

(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.

Example: https://hostname:port/...


Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.



Defines the listening port for the service controller server.

Example: 80

-display {managed_systems|managed_system_details|partitions|io_components|backing_devices|scsi_adapters|partition_details|profiles|wwpns}

Specifies which resources to list. Options include the following:


Lists the managed systems controlled by the management hardware console.


Provides detailed information about a managed system.


Lists the partitions on a managed system.


Lists the I/O components of a managed system.


Lists the devices that are available to be attached as backing devices to the Server Virtual SCSI Adapter.


Lists the SCSI adapters of a managed system.


Lists the details for a partition.


Lists the list of profiles for a partition.


Displays the worldwide port names for a partition.

-hmc name

Specifies the HMC/IVM for which to list information.

-managed_system managedsystemname

(Optional) Specifies the managed system on which the logical partition resides for which you want to list information.

Note: Do not use with managed_systems option.

-partition_name partitionname

(Optional) Specifies the logical partition for which you want to list information.

Note: Do not use with managed_systems option.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.

-prompt {yes|no}

(Optional) Specifies whether you are prompted for the web service user ID and password.

Default: Yes

-ws_remote_user username

(Optional) Specifies the CA Server Automation remote user name.

-ws_remote_password password

(Optional) Specifies the CA Server Automation remote password.

-locale iso639value

Example: Display the List of Managed Systems

This example displays the managed systems for the hardware management console "labhmc."

dpmlpar list -display managed_systems -hmc labhmc

Example: Display the SCSI Adapters

This example displays the SCSI adapters for the managed system "testMS."

dpmlpar list -display scsi_adapters -hmc uslihmc 
-managed_system testMS

Example: Display Partition Details

This example displays the details for the logical partition "testlpar."

dpmlpar list -display partition_details -hmc uslihmc 
-managed_system testMS -partition_name testlpar