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Next Topic: How to Change SystemEDGE from Unmanaged Mode to Managed Mode

Discover the System Running SystemEDGE in Unmanaged Mode

The following procedure describes how to rediscover the server that runs in unmanaged mode.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in the CA Server Automation user interface and change to Management.

    The Resources tab opens and shows the Explore pane.

  2. Right-click Data Center, select Management, Discover, Server.

    The Discover Window opens.

  3. Enter the name of the server that you have deleted in the previous procedure and click Finish.

    CA Server Automation discovers the server on which SystemEDGE runs in unmanaged mode.

    After CA Server Automation has completed Discovery, SystemEDGE on the discovered server has not been registered in Policy Configuration. SystemEDGE runs in unmanaged mode.

  4. Double-click the server name in the Explore pane.

    The resources page for that server opens.

  5. Change to the Summary tab to verify that CA Server Automation has correctly discovered the server. If necessary, you can select a different SNMP community which CA Server Automation uses for monitoring the server.

    You can now configure SystemEDGE on that server through editing the configuration file.