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Define Your JumpStart Boot Servers

If users are allowed to request the installation of Solaris system images, administrators must configure Reservation Manager so that it can identify the required JumpStart boot servers.

The Reservation Manager uses Solaris JumpStart boot server technology for initiating the installation of Solaris operating systems on servers being set up for users. Because the Reservation Manager supports environments that have multiple JumpStart boot servers and installation servers, identify all the JumpStart boot servers required to support the systems that can be allocated to users.

To define your JumpStart boot servers

  1. As an administrator on the Reservation Manager home page, click Manage your JumpStart boot servers.

    The JumpStart Boot Servers page opens. This page initially displays an empty table as long as no JumpStart boot servers are defined. If JumpStart boot servers have already been added, the page lists the available JumpStart boot servers and their associated IP masks, descriptions, and locations.

  2. Select Add from the Actions menu and follow the wizard instructions.