Previous Topic: Define MySQL

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Define MediaWiki Database

The MediaWiki database is the place where the content of the wiki web page is stored.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Resources, and in the Explore tree, right-click OnDemand Services, and select New Application.

    The Define an Application wizard opens in the Application Details panel.

  2. Specify the Name, Version, and Vendor for the application.
  3. Specify the location of the application files (absolute path or relative to the Staging folder).
  4. Specify MySQL as a prerequisite for this application.
  5. Click Next.

    The System Requirements panel opens.

  6. Set the following recommended values:
  7. Click Next.

    The Configure Installation Actions panel opens. You will define three installation actions: Install Database, Stop MySQL, and Start MySQL.

  8. Click + to define the Install Database action.
    1. On the Select Installation Action panel, in the Action field, input the command to execute:
      cmd /C "C:\MySQL\bin\mysql
    2. Enter a description for the action.
    3. Click Next.
    4. On the Define Installation Action Options panel, add the following options:
      < %CD%\wiki_db.txt > %CD%\output.txt"
    5. Make the password option user editable.
    6. Click Finish.

      The action is saved.

  9. Click + to define the Stop MySQL action.
    1. On the Select Installation Action panel, in the Action field, input the command to execute:
      net stop MySqlD
    2. On the Define Installation Action Options panel, only check the preview and click Finish.

      The action is saved.

  10. Click + to define the Start MySQL action.
    1. On the Select Installation Action panel, in the Action field, input the command to execute:
      net start MySqlD
    2. On the Define Installation Action Options panel, only check the preview and click Finish.

      The action is saved.

  11. Click Next, and then Finish.

    The MediaWiki Database application is saved.