The following section describes default values stored in calpara.xml file that specify lags, thresholds, and severities, the AIM uses when creating new SystemEDGE monitors.
Important! Default values cannot change during the AIM lifetime and are not user settable.
<LowestPollInterval>5</LowestPollInterval> <DisableOutOfDate>0</DisableOutOfDate> <MonitorIndexStart>530001</MonitorIndexStart> <SysAliveSev>fatal</SysAliveSev> <CpuLagValue>3</CpuLagValue> <CpuThresh1Val>95</CpuThresh1Val> <CpuThresh1Sev>warning</CpuThresh1Sev> <CpuThresh2Val>98</CpuThresh2Val> <CpuThresh2Sev>critical</CpuThresh2Sev> <MemLagValue>2</MemLagValue> <MemThresh1Val>95</MemThresh1Val> <MemThresh1Sev>warning</MemThresh1Sev> <MemThresh2Val>98</MemThresh2Val> <MemThresh2Sev>critical</MemThresh2Sev>
Stores the lowest allowed poll interval (in minutes).
Specifies whether the data status (lparAimInstDataStatus) outOfDate is excluded.
Note: Set the variable to 1 to disable the data status becoming outOfDate(7) if any command execution failed.
Default: 0
Specifies the index of the first SystemEDGE monitor the AIM creates after startup.
Note: When creating new monitors, the AIM always searches for the next free index being equal or greater.
Specifies the severity of the SystemEDGE monitor that the AIM creates for monitoring the operational status of a Power System or a Logical Partition.
Valid values: ok, warning, minor, major, critical, fatal.
Note: Changing this value has no effect on existing monitors.
Specify the threshold values of the two SystemEDGE monitors that the AIM creates for monitoring the CPU usage of a Power System or a Logical Partition.
Limits: 0 to 100.
Note: Changing this value has no effect on existing monitors.
Specify the severities of the two SystemEDGE monitors that the AIM creates for monitoring the CPU usage of a Power System or a Logical Partition.
Valid values: ok, warning, minor, major, critical, fatal.
Note: Changing this value has no effect on existing monitors.
Specify the threshold values of the two SystemEDGE monitors the AIM creates for monitoring the Memory usage of a Power System or a Logical Partition.
Limits: 0 to 100.
Note: Changing this value has no effect on existing monitors.
Specify the severities of the two SystemEDGE monitors that the AIM creates for monitoring the Memory usage of a Power System or a Logical Partition.
Valid values: ok, warning, minor, major, critical, fatal.
Note: Changing this value has no effect on existing monitors.
Specify the lag values of the SystemEDGE monitors that the AIM creates for monitoring the CPU and Memory usage of a Power System or a Logical Partition. The lag value specifies the number of consecutive poll intervals (Basic Poll Group) that the monitor reaches the threshold before the monitor changes its status.
Note: Changing this value has no effect on existing monitors.
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