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Add a Cisco UCS to the Manager

You can add a Cisco UCS Manager server using the Administration page of the user interface.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the CA Server Automation user interface from the Start menu. Click Administration, Configuration.

    The Configuration page appears.

  2. Select Cisco UCS from the Provisioning section in the left pane.
  3. Click add (Add) on the Cisco UCS pane toolbar.

    The Add Cisco Unified Computing System Server dialog appears.

  4. Enter the required connection data (server name, user, password, port), specify the preferred AIM, enable Managed Status (checkbox).
  5. Enter the required server identification information, and click OK.

    If the network connection is established successfully, the Server is added to the top right pane with a green status icon.

    Note:If the connection fails, the Validation Failed dialog appears. Click Yes, CA Server Automation adds the Server to the list with a red status icon. If you click No, nothing is added.