Previous Topic: Customized Dashboard Views

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Create a Customized Dashboard View

You can create customized Dashboard views by dragging and dropping new content into the Dashboard display from the Library pane. The Dashboard folders contain content available for selection, arranged by category.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Dashboard on the product banner.

    The Dashboard page displays. To customize the Dashboard, click Configure and select Dashboard to access the Library and Properties pages.

  2. Drag components that you want to display from the Dashboards folders to the Dashboard.
  3. (Optional) To remove a component from the Dashboard, right-click and select Delete in the component toolbar.
  4. Click Save or (to rename) Save As in the banner.

    If the Save As dialog appears, enter a meaningful name for the customized view. You can select Share or Add to Favorite to assign to the view to Dashboard Library folders.

    The view is saved.

More information:

Customized Dashboard Views

Configure a Customized Dashboard View

Delete a Customized Dashboard View