The createfromtemplate command creates a reservation using an existing template.
This command has the following format:
dpmrm createfromtemplate -template template -startdate startdate -starttime starttime -enddate enddate -endtime endtime -username username [-sc sc_url] -orgunit orgunit [-notes notes] [-email_address emailaddress] [-projectid projectid] [-ws_user username -ws_password password] [-prompt yes|no] [-locale iso639value] [-pre] [-post]
Defines the name of a reservation defined in the Reservation Manager. Valid entry: 1-256 alphanumeric characters.
Defines the start date for the reservation. Valid entry: mm/dd/yyyy.
Defines the start time for the reservation. Valid entries: 0-23.
Note: If you define a start time within the current hour, always select the next hour. For example, if the current time is 12:23pm Pacific time, and you enter Startday=7/13/2010 and Starttime=12, the time is viewed as already passed, and is not allowed. In this case, select Starttime=13 or above.
Defines the end date for the reservation. Valid entry: mm/dd/yyyy.
Defines the end time for the reservation. Valid entry: 0-23.
Defines the user name for web security check.
(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.
Example: https://hostname:port/...
Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.
Defines the listening port for the service controller server.
Example: 80
Defines the organizational unit for the reservation. Not required if the user is a member of only one organizational unit. Valid entry: 1-256 alphanumeric characters.
(Optional) Defines notes for creating a reservation. Valid entry: 1-256 alphanumeric characters.
(Optional) Defines the user email address for the reservation.
(Optional) Defines the project identification for the reservation.
(Optional) Specifies the credentials to use for the web service security check. If you do not include credentials, you are prompted to enter them. Avoid the prompt for credentials by setting up your own session using caaipsecurity.
(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".
(Optional) Defines whether to prompt the user for username and password.
(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.
(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.
Example: Create a Reservation
In this example, the existing template, WindowsMachine is used to create a reservation.
dpmrm createfromtemplate -template WindowsMachine -startdate 02/02/2010 -starttime 1 -enddate 03/02/2010 -endtime 4 -username cartog123 -orgunit 5467
Use this command to create a software group.
dpmrm createsoftwaregroup [-sc sc_url] -name groupname -package packagename[:procedurename] [-description description] [-category category] [-orgunit orgunit] [-systemimage systemimagename] [-ws_user username] [-ws_password password] [-prompt yes|no] [-pre] [-post] [-locale is0639value]
(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.
Example: https://hostname:port/...
Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.
Defines the listening port for the service controller server.
Example: 80
Specifies the unique name of the software group to create.
Identifies one or more software delivery package names. This parameter is a two-part data value in the format of packagename:procedurename. If procedure name is missing, the default is “Install”.
(Optional) Contains the description for the software group.
(Optional) Specifies the Category name of the software group.
(Optional) Contains zero or more organizational units that can access the software group.
(Optional) Contains zero or more system images to be associated with this software package group.
(Optional) Identifies the security user name.
(Optional) Identifies the security user password.
(Optional) Specifies prompt for username and password. The default is yes.
(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.
(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.
(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".
Multiple Package and Procedure names with spaces, one organizational unit and one system image.
dpmrm createsoftwaregroup -name testgroup -package “Package 1”:”Install Proc” -package “Package 2”:”uninstall proc” -orgunit public -systemimage w2k8 -ws_user testadmin -ws_password testadmin
Multiple Package and Procedure names, multiple organizational units and system images.
dpmrm createsoftwaregroup -name testgroup -package “Package 1”:”Install Proc” -package “Package 2”:”uninstall proc” -orgunit public -orgunit admin -orgunit “admin 1” systemimage w2k8 -systemimage “windows 2003” -ws_user testadmin -ws_password testadmin
Single Package with description and no Procedure name.
dpmrm createsoftwaregroup -name testgroup -description “Windows utilities” -package Package1 -ws_user testadmin -ws_password testadmin
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