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Create a Service

You can organize the servers that you monitor into logical services that reflect the resources required by your business needs.

To create a service

  1. Click Resources, and open the Explore pane.
  2. Select a parent service node, such as Data Center or CA Server Automation Services.
  3. Right-click Management, New Service.

    The Service: New dialog appears.

  4. Enter a name for the new service in the Service Name field and set a priority level in the Service Priority field.

    Note: The following characters are not supported for service names: % " “ ” ‘ ’ ' < > / \ : ` ~ ;

    Service Priority

    Specifies the order in which to run actions in a single poll cycle.


    ServiceA: Priority 3

    ServiceB: Priority 1

    ServiceC: Priority 2

    When all of their respective rules evaluate as true, the actions run in the following order: ServiceB, ServiceC, ServiceA.

  5. Change the Lag occurrence or accept the default provided.

    Defines how often the rule must evaluate as true before the action triggers.

  6. Change the Lower and Upper Threshold percentages or accept the defaults.
    Lower and Upper Threshold %

    Specifies the lower and upper thresholds of the entire service.

    Limits: Only the overall utilization metric can be evaluated at the service level.

  7. You can assign the service to a CCA server. A CCA service with the same list of servers is created automatically.

    Note: Servers that the CCA server does not discover are not added to the CCA service. Review the Events table for possible issues.

    You can also select a management profile to be applied to all servers within the service.

  8. Select the servers for the new service from the Available Servers list in the Servers section, then click the right arrows.

    Note: If your list of available servers is lengthy, filter the list to reduce the set of servers. To do so, click the Filter arrow, enter your filter criteria, and click Search.

    The servers are added to the Selected Servers section.

  9. Click Save on the Actions drop-down menu.

    The new service is saved and appears in the Explore pane.

    On a service level, you can take snapshots, view components, run discovery or change detection. Right-click a service and select the relevant option.

More information:

Edit a Service