The file lets you specify the types of traps that the agent should send and trap properties. The following trap types are supported:
Note: SNMPv1 trap destinations are configured in instead of
SNMPv2c traps and SNMPv2c notifications are sent using a SNMP community string. This community string must be defined in (for example, community global read-only).
SNMPv3 traps and SNMPv3 notifications are sent using the SNMPv3 user's credentials. The SNMPv3 user must be defined in the configuration file before the trap definition record.
To configure the agent to send SNMPv2 traps to a specified destination host, add the following line to the file:
SNMP_V2_TRAP_INFO <destination_host>|<port> <trap_context> <community> <trap-encoding>
To configure the agent to send SNMPv2c notification traps, also known as confirmed traps and INFORM requests, to a specified destination host, add the following line to the file:
SNMP_V2_NOTIFICATION_INFO <destination_host>|<port> <trap_context> <community> <timeout> <num_of_retries> <trap-encoding>
To configure the agent to send SNMPv3 traps to a specified destination host, add the following line to the file:
SNMP_V3_TRAP_INFO <destination_host>|<port> <trap_context> <SNMPv3_user> <trap-encoding>
To configure the agent to send SNMPv3 notification traps, also known as confirmed traps and INFORM requests, to a specified destination host, add the following line to the file:
SNMP_V3_NOTIFICATION_INFO <destination_host>|<port> <trap_context> <SNMPv3_user> <timeout> <num_of_retries> <trap-encoding>
Specifies the host to which to send the trap. You can specify a host name or an IP address.
Specifies the port number on the destination host that you want to send the trap.
* (asterisk) is the only supported value for this field. This value is mandatory.
(SNMPv2c only) Specifies the SNMP community string with which to send the trap. This string must also be defined in the file.
(SNMPv3 only) Specifies the SNMPv3 user with which to send the trap. This user must also be defined in the file.
(Optional, notifications only) Specifies how long in seconds to wait for a confirmation of notification delivery before timing out.
(Optional, notifications only) Specifies the number of times to retry sending a notification after a timeout.
(Optional) Specifies the type of encoding to use when sending traps. This is similar to configuring trap encoding in SNMPv1 For more information, see Configure SNMPv1 Trap Destinations.
The following example sends a SNMPv3 trap notification to the host sysmanager on port 6666 for the SNMPv3 user osmanager, waits for acknowledgement with a timeout of thirty seconds, and retries up to two times:
SNMPV3_NOTIFICATION_INFO sysmanager|6666 * osmanager 30 2
The following example sends a SNMPv2c trap to the host localhost on port 162 using the private community:
SNMPV2_TRAP_INFO localhost|162 * private
The following example sends a SNMPv2c trap notification to the host localhost on port 162 using the public community, waits for acknowledgement with a timeout of thirty seconds, and retries up to three times:
SNMPV2_NOTIFICATION_INFO localhost|162 * public 30 3
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