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Configure Performance Thresholds

You can configure which performance metrics to monitor for each server and set threshold boundaries for each metric.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Explore pane.

    Available groups, services, and systems appear.

  2. Expand the Data Center folder and any subfolder, then select the server that you want to configure. Navigate to a virtual server to select a specific virtual resource, such as a virtual machine or logical partition.
  3. Right-click and select Policy.

    The Policy submenu appears.

  4. Click Configure Threshold Settings.

    The Configure Threshold Settings appears.

  5. Select the metric for which you want to set thresholds and complete the following fields:
    Upper Threshold (%)

    Defines the upper limit of utilization for the selected metric group.

    Default: 80%

    Lower Threshold (%)

    Defines the lower limit of utilization for the selected metric group.

    Default: 20%

    Include for Overall Utilization Calculation

    Specifies that you want the selected metrics to be included in the overall utilization calculation and evaluated by CA Server Automation.

  6. Click Modify to save your settings.