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Configure Diagnostic Logging Mechanism

The SystemEDGE agent contains a common logging mechanism for logging diagnostic messages to a file that is primarily used by CA support. You can configure the following aspects of the logging mechanism:

To configure agent logging, enter the following lines in the file:

sysedge_loglevel <level>
sysedge_logfile '<file>' [<size> [<number>]]
sysedge_logpattern <modules>

Specifies the level of messages to log. You can specify any of the following:

The agent logs messages starting at the level you specify and of greater severity. For example, if you specify warning, the agent logs all warning, critical, and fatal messages.

Default: info


Specifies the log file name. You can include an absolute path name with the file name. If you do not include an absolute path name, the log file is created in the agent's port-specific data directory.

Default: 'sysedge.log'


Specifies the maximum file size in KB. If you set this parameter to equal or less than zero, the log file will have no size limits.

Default: 10240


Controls the handling of the log file when the size limit is reached. You can specify any of the following options:


Logging stops when the size limit is reached.


Logging saves the current log file contents to '<file>.1' when the size limit is reached and wraps to the start of the log file.


Logging uses a wrap-around set (or ring) of up to the specified number of backup files with '<file>.<number>' containing the oldest log entries at any one time.


Logging wraps to the start of the log file when the size limit is reached.


Logging saves the current log file contents to '<file>' when the size limit is reached and wraps to the start of the log file.

Default: 1


Specifies a space-delimited list of the modules for which to log messages. The available modules are as follows:

The following example logs all messages of severity info and above for the SystemEDGE agent and SRM AIM to a file named sysedgemsg.log with a limit of 30000 KB and a wrapping size limit mechanism that saves all older files:

sysedge_loglevel info
sysedge_logfile sysedgemsg.log 30000 -2
sysedge_logpattern se svcrsp