Use the following worksheet to verify configuration of your Amazon EC2 operating environment.
Tasks in Amazon Operating Environment |
Notes |
CA Server Automation User Interface Fields |
Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account |
Multiple accounts are supported. |
AWS Account ID: |
Sign up for the Amazon EC2 service |
This service includes the Amazon Simple Storage Service (public cloud) and the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). |
Create the X.509 Certificate and Private Key |
The certificate and private key are required credentials when configuring the Amazon EC2 server in CA Server Automation. Keep them in a safe place; if you lose them, generate a new certificate. |
X.509 Certificate File Full Path: Private Key File Full Path: |
(Optional) Collect proxy server information |
A proxy server lets you monitor the Amazon EC2 instances in your network. This server is optional, but is often desirable for security reasons. |
Proxy server name: Host Name: Port: User name: Password: |
Create, launch, bundle, upload, and register the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) |
The AMI Identifier is equivalent to an image in CA Server Automation. Create security groups Security groups are visible in the CA Server Automation interface during provisioning. Create Key Pair To launch an Amazon AMI in CA Server Automation, you need a named key pair. The name of the key pair is specified in the web service call that launches the instances. SSH uses the private key for authentication. To create a key pair, use the AWS Console or the ElasticFox Firefox plug-in. Save the returned private key in a safe place on your file system. Create EBS volume EBS volumes can be attached to any instance in the same Availability Zone. EBS volumes are displayed as a Device Type in the CA Server Automation user interface. |
AMI ID: OS Type: Key Pair Name: (SSH Key Pair) Manifest: Instance Type: Security Group: Public Availability Zone: Device Type: EBS |
Determine Regions Regions (for example, East US Northern Virginia) are dispersed and located in separate geographic areas. Using dynamic updating, all Amazon regions are supported in CA Server Automation. Availability zones are distinct locations with a region for isolating failures. If you do not supply a zone for an instance, Amazon selects one. |
Select Region
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