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Change the CA EEM Administrator Password (EiamAdmin)

If you intend to change the CA EEM administrator password (EiamAdmin), change the password in CA EEM and also in CA Server Automation.

To change the administrator password (EiamAdmin) in CA EEM

  1. Navigate to Start, Programs, CA, Embedded Entitlements Manager, EEM UI and open the user interface.

    The login dialog appears.

  2. Log in with the current EiamAdmin password.

    The user interface opens.

  3. Click Configure and EEM Server.

    The EEM Server pane appears.

  4. Click EiamAdmin Password.

    The New Password and Confirm Password fields appear.

  5. Enter your password and click Save.

    The new EiamAdmin password can now be used to log in CA EEM.

To change the administrator password (EiamAdmin) in CA Server Automation

  1. Navigate to Start, Programs, CA, CA Server Automation, CA Server Automation Command Prompt.

    The command prompt appears.

  2. Enter the following command:
    dpmutil -set -eiam

    The dpmutil command prompts you for the required credentials.

    Complete the command.

  3. Recycle the CAAIPApache and CAIPTomcat services.

    The credentials are now consistent and CA Server Automation works as expected.

Note: In both cases the Apache log file, located at Install_path\Apache\logs\error.log, can confirm proper product startup. If the last entry is “Validating EEM is available,” then there is still a credential problem. Verify that the credentials used for ‘-set -eiam’ and ‘-set -sysuser’ can be used to log in to the CA EEM UI. Then, retry the dpmutil commands using valid credentials.