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Capture Services from vCenter

CA Server Automation enables you to capture an existing service, running on VMware vCenter, and create a service template and the applications it consists of.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Resources, and in the Explore tree, right-click a service node under Data Center, and select Management, Capture Service.

    The Capture Service to Service Template panel opens.

  2. Input a name and description for the service template.
  3. Use the up and down arrows to specify the order of application execution for the applications in the template.
  4. Click Change to modify the application name and template name to use for each template.
  5. Click OK.

    CA Server Automation stops the machines and captures them as applications and creates a service template that is based on the service.

    Each captured application consists of the VM template for the machine and the software it contains. Modify the applications and the service template as required to enable their deployment to different machines.

    Note: CA Server Automation automatically creates a reservation template for use in Reservation Manager based on the service template.