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Assign External Directory User Groups to User Groups

You can add user groups from an external directory to an existing CA Server Automation user group when you want to grant existing access rights. The administrator user group is a predefined group and appears in the list by default.

To assign external directory user groups to user groups

  1. Click Administration.

    The Administration page appears.

  2. Click User Groups.

    The User Groups node appears on the left pane.

  3. Expand User Groups and select a user group from the list.

    The user group page appears on the right pane.

  4. Select the Membership submenu.

    A series of membership panes appears below the tab.

  5. Select User Group from the Identity list.

    The criteria for searching for users appear in the Attribute list.

  6. Enter the user group name to add from the external directory in the Value text box, and click Search.

    If the user is located or a message notifies you that no match has been found, the user group appears in the Available User/User Group pane. User group name is identified by [Global Groups] in the Available user/user group list.

  7. Select the user group to add from the Available User/User Group pane and click the right arrow Right arrow icon.

    The user group moves to the Selected User/User Group pane.

  8. Click Save to finish adding user groups.

    Users are immediately granted the access privileges assigned to the user group with which they are associated.