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Apply the Package Wrapper SNMP Settings as Server-level Settings

You can instruct CA Server Automation to use the package wrapper SNMP settings as server-level SNMP settings after SystemEDGE registers with Policy Configuration. Otherwise, the package wrapper SNMP settings are only used until SystemEDGE registers with Policy Configuration.

Follow these steps:

  1. Change to Administration, Configuration, Deployment & Configuration.

    The following option controls whether the SNMP settings in the package wrapper become server-level SNMP settings or not.

  2. Enable or disable this option according to your requirements.

    If you disable this option, the package wrapper SNMP settings are not stored on the manager and not available for distribution.

    If you enable this option, the package wrapper SNMP settings are stored as server-level SNMP settings on the CA Server Automation manager.

  3. Change to Resources, Configure, and open the SystemEDGE policy that you want to apply to managed nodes.

    The policy pane appears.

  4. Select the appropriate items under Traps & Communities, Server Communities.

    Server Read and Server Write represent the server-level SNMP settings which are available for the managed nodes to which you want to apply this policy.

  5. Select the appropriate items under Default Communities.

    The Default Communities represent the global SNMP settings.

  6. Change to Resources, Deployment, Packages and open the SystemEDGE package wrapper.
  7. Set the SNMP credentials, select the policy that you want to apply to the SystemEDGE agents after installation on the managed node, and save the wrapper.
  8. Create a Deployment Job and deploy the SystemEDGE package with its policy to the managed nodes.