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Resource Allocation and Forecast Charts

Resource allocation and forecast charts allow Reservation Manager administrators to view resource allocations for analysis.

To view resource allocations

  1. As administrator in Reservation Manager, under Administer Your Reservation Manager, click Manage your resource pools.

    The list of resource pools appears.

  2. Mark the checkbox for a resource pool and click Resource Allocation from the Actions drop-down menu.

    A Resource Allocation chart appears.

    Note: Click the Show Chart or Show Table button in the table header to display the chart or the table.

  3. Show the chart and select the criteria that you want from the Current Chart View drop-down options
  4. Hover over or click a bar in the chart.

    The host information appears.

    Note: In the table view, hover over or select the host for the same information.

For forecasts, administrators can specify start and end times, and whether data is shown hourly, daily, or monthly. When data is displayed daily or monthly, the peak reserved resources for the time period are displayed.

To view allocation forecasts

  1. As administrator in Reservation Manager, under Administer Your Reservation Manager, click Manage your resource pools.

    The list of resource pools appears.

  2. Mark the checkbox for a resource pool and click Allocation Forecast from the Actions drop-down menu.

    A Resource Allocation Forecast chart appears.

  3. Select data for the following fields from the drop-down lists:
    Display by

    Provides data based on hours, days, or months.

    Start Time

    Specifies start date and time.

    End Time

    Specifies end date and time.

  4. Click Refresh Chart.

    The chart displays resource allocation, which is based on the values you chose.