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Add New Virtual Machines to a Service

Reservation Manager lets administrators specify whether new virtual machines are added to a CA Server Automation service automatically. This capability makes it easy for sites to monitor performance and usage of the virtual machines that have been reserved. Sites can also evaluate whether additional resources must be made available to improve performance, such as adding a VMware ESX server to a cluster. Sites can also see if virtual machines are under used and possible candidates for return. If this option is enabled, new virtual machines are added to the service with the same name as the resource pool. If the service does not exist, it is created.

To add new virtual machines to a service

  1. As administrator in Reservation Manager, under Administer Your Reservation Manager, click Manage your configuration settings.

    The Configure Settings page opens.

  2. Click the following link in the Virtual Machines area, set the value, and click OK:.
    Add Virtual Machine To Service

The configuration change takes effect when the next reservation is made.