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Add the AIM Instance for GalaX Server

After adding a new GalaX connection to the CA Server Automation manager, add a GalaX AIM instance to manage the new GalaX Server. CA Server Automation then discovers the entire Huawei GalaX environment with all its physical and virtual components.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the CA Server Automation user interface from the Start menu. Click Administration, Configuration.

    The Configuration page appears.

  2. Select HUAWEI SingleCLOUD from the Provisioning section in the left pane.

    The right pane refreshes and displays the managed GalaX Servers and the associated GalaX AIM Servers.

  3. Click add (Add) on the GalaX AIM Servers pane toolbar.

    The New GalaX AIM Server dialog appears.

  4. Open the GalaX AIM Server drop-down list.

    The list of discovered GalaX AIM Servers appears.

  5. Select a GalaX AIM Server from the drop-down list.

    CA Server Automation populates the GalaX Server drop-down list with the GalaX Servers listed in the GalaX Servers pane. You can only manage those GalaX Servers for which your CA Server Automation manager has a valid connection established.

    Note: If the AIM resides on a remote system, CA Server Automation must discover the system first so that the AIM server appears in the drop-down list.

  6. Select the GalaX Server that you want to manage and click OK.

    A new AIM instance for the selected GalaX Server is added. If the instance is not in an error or stopped state, CA Server Automation starts to discover the associated Huawei GalaX environment. When the discovery process is complete, you can start managing the virtual and physical resources of Huawei GalaX.