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Next Topic: Define a Threshold Monitor

Add a Monitor To SystemEDGE Policy

You can add a monitor to a SystemEDGE policy.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Resources tab, open the Configure pane, expand Policies, and click SystemEDGE.

    The Available Policies page appears.

  2. Select the policy in the Available Policies table.

    The Summary page for the policy appears.

  3. Click Monitors and select the monitor you want to add.
  4. (Optional) Repeat the process for any additional monitors
  5. Click Save Policy.

    The monitor is loaded to the policy and the policy is saved.

Note: For information about monitors, see the SystemEDGE User Guide.

More Information:

Define a Threshold Monitor

Define a Process Monitor

Define a Log File Monitor

Define a Windows Event Monitor

Define a History Monitor

Define a Process Group Monitor