Previous Topic: User Interface

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Access the User Interface

Access the user interface to discover and provision systems, create policy, schedule jobs, and so on. CA Server Automation Start menu shortcuts are only available on the CA Server Automation server. Use the Start menu to access product features such as the user interface and CLI command window. To access the interface from a different server, enter the URL in a web browser.

To access the user interface

  1. Select Start, Programs, CA, CA Server Automation, Launch CA Server Automation on the CA Server Automation server.

    The CA Server Automation login page appears at the following URL:


    Identifies the CA Server Automation server.


    Identifies the Apache Tomcat Server port.

    Default: 8443

    Note: If you receive a security certificate request, bypass it and continue. To eliminate these messages, acquire a certificate from the vendor of your choice and apply it to the server. For information about installing security certificates, see the Apache Tomcat website.

  2. Enter your login credentials, and click Log In.

    The Dashboard appears.