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SSRM Create Reservation

Creates a reservation in Reservation Manager.



SSRM Username

Specifies the name of the Reservation Manager user.

Example: “ssrm_user”

SSRM Org Unit Name

Specifies the Reservation Manager organizational unit.

Example: “Public”

SSRM Start DateTime

Specifies the date and time to start verifying the availability window. Define the time in a 24 hour clock, and provide the Zulu timezone.

Example: “2010-10-15 12:00:00Z”

SSRM End DateTime

Specifies the date and time to stop verifying the availability window. Define the time in a 24 hour clock, and provide the Zulu timezone.

Example: “2010-10-16 12:00:00Z”

SSRM System Image ID

Specifies the system image ID (VM template) defined in the Reservation Manager system.

Example: “4939434-49493843-sd”

SSRM Project ID

(Optional) Specifies a user created project ID from the project management tool.

SSRM Notes

(Optional) Specifies notes for this reservation.

SSRM Send Notifications

Specifies the email address of the user to receive notification when this reservation is ready.

SSRM Save As Template

(Optional) Indicates whether to save this reservation as a template for future use.

SSRM Template Description

(Optional) Specifies a description for the template when the reservation is saved as a template.

SSRM Resource Count

Specifies the number of systems to create during this reservation.

Example: "1"


Specifies the number of CPUs to assign to each reserved system. Available values are 1, 2, or 4.

Example: "1"

SSRM Min Memory

Specifies the minimum amount of memory assigned to the reserved system. This value is controlled based on the Reservation Manager image value.

Example: "1024"

SSRM Min Disk

Specifies the minimum size of reserved system disk. This value is controlled based on the Reservation Manager image value.

Example: "6GB"

SSRM Resource Pool

Specifies the resource pool where the reservation resides.

Example: “ssrm-demo”

SSRM Software Group

Specifies the Reservation Manager system where software packages can be deployed in a reservation.

SSRM Add Disk 2-7

(Optional) Specifies information for additional disks. Values are represented as 100MB or 10GB.