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Provision VM Image Windows

Creates a vCenter image on Windows.



Imaging Server Type

Specifies the type of provisioning desired. Always use “VC".

VC Server

Specifies the name of the VC center.

VC Data Center

Specifies the name of the data center where this host is located.

Example: “DC Datacenter”

VC Compute Resource

Specifies the fully qualified name of the server where this compute resource is located.

Example: “”

VC ESX Host Server

(Optional) Specifies the fully qualified name of the server where the ESX server is installed.

Example: “”

VC Datastore Name

Specifies the data store name that corresponds to the data center.

Example: “storage1 (2)”

VC Target Location

Specifies the resource pool name to use.

Example: “Resources/DcrmPool_test”

Hostname/VM Name

Specifies the name of the new host to provision.

Example: “LocalhostTest”

VC User Name

Specifies the administrator name for the new host.

Example: “administrator”

VC User Password

Specifies the password for the user name.

Example: “password”

VC Virtual Machine

(Optional) Specifies a VM machine to use instead of a template for provisioning.

VC Template Name

Specifies the template to use for provisioning.

Example: “DCRMFolder/Base”

VC Specification Name

Specifies a name for the template to use. Consult the VC server or CA Server Automation for valid values.

Example: “VolumeSPEC”

VM OS Type

Specifies the default operating system type to use for template creation.

Example: "Windows"

Memory Size (MB)

Specifies the amount of allocated virtual memory for the new VM image. This value is defined in megabytes, for example, 1024MB = 1GB.

Virtual Processors (1,2,4)

Specifies the number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the new VM image. Valid values are 1, 2, or 4.

Additional Disk 1 Size (MB)

Specifies the default size of the virtual hard disk for the VM image. This value is in megabytes, for example for 10GB, enter 10240.

Additional Disk 1 Datastore

Specifies the name of the VMware datastore to use to create the virtual disk for the new image. Use the same datastore where the VM image is going to be created.

Additional Disk 1 SCSI Controller

Specifies the SCSI controller key to use to create the virtual disk for the new VM image.

NIC IP Address

Specifies the network IP address (v4) for the new system.

NIC Default Gateway

Specifies the default gateway for the new VM image.

NIC Alt Gateway

(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the alternate gateway.

NIC Subnet

Specifies the default network subnet mask to use.

Example: ""

Network Connection

Specifies the name of the network interface.

DNS Server

Specifies the preferred DNS entry.

Alt. DNS

(Optional) Specifies an alternate DNS entry.

DNS Search Suffix

(Optional) Specifies the global DNS search suffix.

WINS Primary

(Optional) Specifies the primary WINS entry.

WINS Secondary

(Optional) Specifies the secondary WINS entry.

SD Scalability Server

(Optional) Specifies the software delivery scalability server to use.

Template Name

(Optional) Specifies the software delivery template to use.

Auto Deploy Agents

(Optional) Indicates whether to deploy agents after provisioning.

Example: “No”

Deploy SD Agents

(Optional) Indicates whether to deploy Software Delivery agents automatically.

Default: “No”